任国玉 男 博士 中国气象局二级研究员 首席研究员
中国地质大学(武汉)兼职教授 德国洪堡基金(Humboldtian)学者
专 业: 地理学、历史气候学
中国气象局气候研究开放实验室学术委员会副主任,中国气象学会气候变化委员会副主任委员、气候学专业委员会委员、城市气象委员会委员、科普工作委员会委员,中国地理学会气候学委员会 委员,国家气候委员会气候影响评价与对策分委员会委员,中国科协环境咨商委员会委员,世界气象组织(CCL/WMO)气候变化检测专家组成员,全国水资源综合规划、GCOS中国委员会和全球水伙伴(GWP)中国委员会专家组成员,陕西省灾害监测与模拟重点实验室学术委员会副主任
《Climate Research》《Chinese Geographical Science》《水科学进展》《干旱区研究》《灾害学》《气象科技进展》《水利水电科技进展》《气候变化研究进展》等学术期刊编辑委员会委员
1. Ren, G.Y. and L.S. Zhang, 1998, A preliminary mapped summary of Holocene pollen data for Northeast China, Quaternary Science Review, 17,669-688.
2. Ren, G.Y., 1998, Pollen evidence for increased summer rainfall in the Medieval warm period at Maili, Northeast China, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 1931-1934.
3. Ren, G.Y., 2000, Decline of the mid-to late Holocene forests in China: climatic change or human impact? Journal of Quaternary Science, 15 (3), 273-281.
4. 任国玉、吴虹、陈正洪,2000,我国降水变化趋势的空间特征,应用气象学报, 11, 322-330.
5. Ren, G.Y. and H.-J. Beug, 2002,Mapping Holocene pollen data and vegetation of northern China, Quaternary Science Review, 21 (12-13), 1395-1422.
6. Ren, G. Y., Z. Y. Chu, Z. H. Chen, Y. Y. Ren, 2007, Implications of temporal change in urban heat island intensity observed at Beijing and Wuhan Stations, Geophysical Research Letter, 34, L05711, doi:10.1029/2006GL027927
7. 任国玉、郭军、徐铭志等,2005,近五十年中国大陆近地面气候变化的基本特征,气象学报,63(6):942-956.
8. 任国玉、徐铭志、初子莹、周雅清等,2005,中国气温变化研究的最新进展,气候与环境研究, 10 (4),701-716.
9. Ren, G., Yaqing Zhou, Ziying Chu, et al., 2008, Urbanization effect on observed surface air temperature trend in North China, Journal of Climate, 21 (6), 1333–1348.
10. 任国玉、姜彤、李维京等,2008,气候变化对我国水资源情势影响的综合分析,水科学进展,19 (6), 772-779.
11. 任国玉、封国林、严中伟,2010,中国极端气候变化观测研究若干进展,气候与环境研究,15(4),337-353.
12. Ren, G.Y., Chen Y., Zou X.K., Zhou Y.Q., Ren Y.Y., Jiang Y., Ren F.M., Zhang Q., Wang X.L., Zhang L., 2011, Change in climatic extremes over mainland China based on an integrated extreme climate index, Climatic Research, 50 (1-2): 113-124.
13. Ren, G., Y. Ding, Z. Zhao, J. Zheng, T. Wu, G. Tang, and Y. Xu, 2012, Recent progress in studies of climate change in China, Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 29 (5): 958-977.
14. Ren, G. and Y. Zhou, 2014, Urbanization effects on trends of extreme temperature indices of national stations over mainland China, 1961-2008, Journal of Climate, 27 (6): 2340-2360.
15. Ren, G.Y., J. Li, Y.Y. Ren, Z.Y. Chu, A.Y. Zhang, Y.Q. Zhou, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, T. Bian, 2015, An integrated procedure to determine a reference station network for evaluating and adjusting urban bias in surface air temperature data, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climate, 54: 1248-1266 .