1. Cheng Chen, Guoyu Ren. 2016: The Updated Understanding of the Change in Near-Surface and Upper Air Wind and Wind Energy. Climate Change Research Letters 气候变化研究快报, 2016, 5(1), 41-47.
2. 陈丽娟, 顾 薇, 丁 婷, 袁 媛, 任宏利. 2016: 2015年汛期气候预测先兆信号的综合分析.气象,42(4):496-506.
3. 陈丽娟,李 想,李维京,李景鑫. 2016: 2015/2016年超强El Nino事件背景下我国月预测技巧差异分析. 大气科学学报,39(6):756-765.
4. 程娅蓓,任宏利,谭桂容. 2016: 东亚夏季风模式跨季预测的EOF-相似误差订正. 应用气象学报, 27(3):285-292.
5. 次仁央宗,柯宗建,陈丽娟,等.2016: 西藏夏季降水的季节内变化特征及其影响系统.气象,42(11):1342-1350.
6. Gong, Zhiqiang,Clément Hutin and Guolin Feng.2016: Methods for Improving the Prediction Skill of Summer Precipitation over East Asia-West Pacific. Weather and Forecasting, 31: 1381-1392.
7. Gong Zhiqiang, Li Shangfeng, Hu Po, et al. 2016: Dynamic-analogue correction of the decadal change of East Asian summer precipitation in the late 1990s. J Meteor Res, 30(3): 341-355.
8. Bohui Gu, Zhihai Zheng, Guolin Feng and Xujia Wang. 2016: Interdecadal transition in the relationship between the western Pacific subtropical high and sea surface temperature. Int J Climatol, (2016) DOI: 10.1002/joc.4872.
9. 顾伟宗, 陈丽娟, 左金清, 等. 2016: 多因子协同作用对1992 年和1998 年黄淮地区夏季降水异常的影响. 大气科学, 40 (4): 743–755.
10. 胡 泊,张志森,乔少博,龚志强. 2016: 1990 年代末东亚北部地区夏季水汽输送年代际变化特征及其影响机制. 大气科学,40 (5):933 - 945.
11. Jing Xianwen, Zhang Hua, Peng Jie, and Li Jiangnan. 2016: Cloud overlapping parameter obtained from CloudSat/CALIPSO dataset and its application in AGCM with McICA scheme. Atmospheric Research, 2016,170,52-65.
12. Kristansen N. I., Stohl A., Olivie D. J. L., and Co-authors, and Zhang H. 2016: Evaluation of observed and modelled aerosol lifetimes using radioactive tracers of opportunity and an ensemble of 19 global models. Atmos Chem Phys Discuss, 15, 24513-24585.
13. 李维京, 左金清, 李 想. 2016: 中国南方旱涝年际年代际变化及成因研究进展. 应用气象学报, 27(5):577-591.
14. Liu Jingpeng, Li Weijing, Chen Lijuan, Jinqing Zuo, and Peiqun Zhang. 2016: Estimation of the monthly precipitation predictability limit in China using the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent. Journal of Meteorological Research, 30(1):93-102.
15. Bo Lu and Hongli Ren. 2016: Improving ENSO periodicity simulation by adjusting cumulus entrainment in BCC_CSMs. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans,76, 127-140.
16. Bo Lu,Hongli Ren. 2016: SST‐forced interdecadal deepening of the winter India‐Burma Trough since 1950s Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121,2719–2731.
17. 聂 羽, 孙 冷, 李清泉, 马丽娟. 2016: 2015年秋季我国气候异常及暖湿成因分析.气象,42(4):507-513.(开放青年基金资助项目)
18. 聂 羽, 孙 冷, 王东阡, 李 多. 2016: 2015/2016年前冬至隆冬北半球中高纬度暖冷急转及环流特征初析. 气象,42(10):1227-1233.(开放青年基金资助项目)
19. Qian, C., G.Y. Ren, Y.Q. Zhou. 2016: Urbanization effects on climatic changes in 24 particular timings of the seasonal cycle in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Theor Appl Climatol, 124 (3):781-791.
20. 任国玉, 柳艳菊, 孙秀宝, 等. 2016: 中国大陆降水时空变异规律:II趋势变化原因. 水科学进展, 27(3):327-347.
21. 任国玉, 袁玉江, 柳艳菊,等. 2016: 我国西北干燥区降水变化规律. 干旱区研究, 33(1):1-19.
22. Hong-Chang Ren, Weijing Li, Hong-Li Ren and Jinqing Zuo. 2016: Distinct linkage between winter Tibetan Plateau snow depth and early summer Philippine Sea anomalous anticyclone. Atmospheric Science Letters,17,223-229.DOI: 10.1002/asl.646.
23. Ren, Hong-Li, Jie Wu, Chong-Bo Zhao et al. 2016: MJO ensemble prediction in BCC-CSM1.1(m) using different initialization schemes. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 9(1):60-65,doi:10.1080/16742834.2015.1116217.
24. Ren, Hong-Li, Fei-Fei Jin, Ben Tian and Adam A. Scaife. 2016: Distinct persistence barriers in two types of ENSO. Geophysical Research Letters, 43:10973-10979.
25. 任宏利, 刘颖, 左金清, 陆波, 田奔, 金飞飞, 万江华. 2016:国家气候中心新一代ENSO预测系统及其对2014/2016年超强厄尔尼诺事件的预测. 气象, 42(5):521-531.
26. 任宏利, 沈雨旸. 2016: MJO对我国天气气候影响的新事实. 气象科技进展,6(3):97-105.
27. Ren Xiaoyu, Yun Xie, Guoyu Ren. 2016: Spatiotemporal characteristics of TOMS-based dust aerosol optical depth in northern China during 1978-2005. Earth Science Informatics, 10:41-53, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-016-0277-z.
28. Ren, Y.Y., D.Parker, G.Y.Ren, R.Dunn. 2016: Tempo-spatial characteristics of sub-daily temperature trends in mainland China. Climatic Dynamics, 46(9):2737-2748.
29. 邵勰,廖要明,柳艳菊,等.2016: 2015年全球重大天气气候事件及其成因.气象,42(4):489-495.
30. 邵勰,柳艳菊,孙丞虎,等.2016: 2016年春季我国主要气候特征及其成因分析.气象,42(10):1278-1282.
31. 沈雨旸,任宏利,李维京,张玉洁,左金清. 2016: 我国南方夏季低频降水与热带大气季节内振荡传播的关系研究. 热带气象学报, 32(1):31-41.
32. 谭娟, 李清泉, 王兰宁, 赵其庚. 2016: MOM4_L40模式对全球海洋CFC-11分布的模拟及其通风能力评估. 地球物理学报, 59(11):3960-3973.
33. Ben Tian and Wansuo Duan. 2016: Comparison of the initial errors most likely to cause a spring predictability barrier for two types of El Nino events. Climate Dynamics, 47: 779-792.
34. Ben Tian and Wansuo Duan. 2016: Comparison of constant and time-variant optimal forcing approaches in El Niño simulations by using the Zebiak-Cane model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,33:685-694.
35. Zhili Wang, Hua Zhang, and Xiaoye Zhang. 2016:Projected response of East Asian summer monsoon system to future emission reductions of anthropogenic aerosols and their precursors. Clim Dyn, online published, 47:1455-1468, DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2912-7.
36. 吴捷, 任宏利, 赵崇博, 张培群, 武于洁. 2016: 国家气候中心MJO监测预测业务产品研发及应用. 应用气象学报, 27(6):641-653.
37. Jie Wu, Hong-Li Ren, Jinqing Zuo, Chongbo Zhao, Lijuan Chen and Qiaoping Li. 2016: MJO prediction skill, predictability, and teleconnection impacts in the Beijing Climate Center Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans,75,78-90,doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2016.06.001.
38. 吴捷, 许小峰, 金飞飞, 任宏利. 2016: 斜压基本气流对东亚夏季风区气旋扰动低频发展影响的数值模拟研究. 地球物理学报, 59(4):1222-1234.
39. Wu Yujie, Wansuo Duan,and Xinyai Rong. 2016: Seasonal predictability of sea surface temperature anomalies over the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension: Low in summer and highin winter. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(9):6862-6873.
40. Xie Bing, Zhang Hua, Wang Zhili, et al. 2016:A modeling study of effective radiative forcing and climate response due to tropospheric ozone, Adv in Atmos Sci, 33, 819-828.
41. 杨冬冬, 张 华, 沈新勇, 赵树云. 2016: 全球和中国地区PM2.5时空变化特征的模拟.中国环境科学, 36(4):990-999.
42. Zhan, Y.J., G.Y. Ren, Y.Y. Ren. 2016: Start and end dates of rainy season and their temporal change in recent decades over East Asia. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,94 (1):41-53.
43. Hua Zhang and Jing Xianwen. 2016: Advances in studies of cloud overlap and its radiative transfer in climate models. JOURNAL OF METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH, 30(2): 156-168.
44. Hua Zhang, Shuyun Zhao, Zhili Wang, Xiaoye Zhang, and Lianchun Song. 2016: The updated effective radiative forcing of major anthropogenic aerosols and their effects on global climate at present and in the future. International Journal of Climatology,36(12):4029-4044.
45. Zhao Junhu, Yang Liu, Gu Bohui, Yang Jie, Feng Guolin. On the Relationship between the Winter Eurasian Teleconnection Pattern and the Following Summer Precipitation over China. Adv Atmos Sci, 33(6): 743-752. doi:10.1007/s00376-015-5195-3.
46. 赵俊虎,杨 柳,曾宇星,封国林. 2016: 夏季长江中下游和华南两类雨型的环流特征及预测信号. 大气科学, 40 (6): 1182-1198.
47. Shuyun Zhao, Hua Zhang, Song Feng and Qiang Fu. 2016: Simulating direct effects of dust aerosol on arid and semi-arid regions using an aerosol–climate coupled system. Int J Climatol,35, 1858–1866.
48. Zhihai Zheng, Zeng-Zhen Hu and Michelle L’Heureux. 2016: Predictable Components of ENSO Evolution in Real-time Multi-Model Predictions. Scientific Reports, 35909. DOI: 10.1038/srep35909.
49. 周喜讯, 张 华, 荆现文. 2016: 中国地区云量和云光学厚度的分布与变化趋势. 大气与环境光学学报,11(1): 1-13.
50. Zuo, Jinqing, Hong-Li Ren, Weijing Li, and Lei Wang. 2016: Interdecadal variations in the relationship between the winter North Atlantic Oscillation and temperature in south–central China. Journal of Climate, 29(20):7477-7493.
51. Zuo, Jinqing, Hong-Li Ren, Bingyi Wu and Weijing Li. 2016: Predictability of winter temperature in China from previous autumn Arctic Sea Ice. Climate Dynamics, 47(7):2331-2343, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2966-6.
52. Zuo, Jinqing, Hong-Li Ren, Jie Wu, Yu Nie, and Qiaoping Li. 2016: Subseasonal variability and predictability of the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation in BCC_AGCM2.2. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 75,33-45. doi:10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2016.05.002.