题 目:Global Downscaling
报告人:Prof. Hans von Storch,University of Hamburg,
Director of the Institute for Coastal Research, Germany
时 间:2017年10月17日(周二)14:30-16:00
地 点:国家气候中心新大楼7层全球变化会议室(7022)
主持人:任国玉 研究员
主 办:中国气象局气候研究开放实验室
简介:The concept of dynamical downscaling, which makes use of large-sale constraining, is easily extended to global atmospheric models – as was suggested by Yoshimura and Kanamitsu in 2008. In this way, global large-scale re-analyses may be completed with consistent regional detail. We have prepared a 6-decade downscaling of NCEP-reanalysis, and shown its validity (Schubert-Frisius et al., 2017).The downscaling using regional and global models turns out to be of similar quality, if the spatial resolution is comparable. An additional added value of the global set-up is that consistent and homogeneous re-analyses can be constructed also for areas with little or even no regional data (von Storch et al., 2017).